Wednesday, March 27, 2013

driven as we drive

patience steering love
couldn't hurry if i tried
gestation unknown

only mind could make the break
time and space are blood

Unexpect the world
Can't improve on what's unknown
Ideas have no mass

Heartfelt Solvency
Forfeiting definitions
Laugh with what remains

bleeding cortisol
haunted by genetic pasts
hunted by our fears

Every breath a cloud
Every cloud a future lung
Every lung a breath

Koans unfolding
Perimeters drawn and burned
Predictions foreseen

Somewhere someone sang
Somehow traveled endlessly
Someday we'll know why

Signals amplified
Pyroclastic floes of sound
Quadraphonic death

balancing what can't be held
driven as we drive

Gratitude for pain
Hope was slain for laughter's reign
Achievements in vain

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