Wednesday, March 27, 2013

born with numbers in our blood

Interstellar skin
Bones and blood will live again
Time is getting thin

sanctuary hides
sense of home feels all alone
where do we belong?

clouds are our witness
water records everything
can't repress the sky

unseen hierarchy
questions don't imply answers
"sorry for your loss"

Time and space will bend
Always balancing the costs
Deferring to love

trying to stay sane
all my status updates now
written in haiku

ferrous emotions
occlusion of pains long gone
prone to rust but strong

predetermined life
born with numbers in our blood
one day they'll add up

Tenfold transitions
Timeless twilight transcended
Truthful tyranny

Streaming overhead
Every word that was not said
Tightropes of the dead

Watching whirly winds
Wholly wanting wakefulness
Wishing wistfully

half of me dissolved

declination rise
crescendo of yearly flight
spiraling through space

grateful for this time
watching love unfold anew
years becoming breath

breath becoming life
watching pain dissolve in truth
understanding us

working with our ghosts
seeing everything anew
these genes harbor pain

reconstructing life
excuses are vanishing
these genes harbor love

Choose identity
Ancestors can only sigh
Can we know our truth?

sometimes seeing straight
never underestimating love
always finding ways

grateful for today
time and space for family
learning all i can

Holy fucking hell
Music makes life bearable

half of me dissolved
learning to live with the pain
ten of me could not

please enjoy your life
all we do is all we are
fucking hug someone

symbiotic resonance

so much suffering
symbiotic resonance
so few healing words

alive in this muck
we are what we attend to
fuck your boogeymen

unlearning the lies
drink to all i haven't done
find presence and will

Existence of mind
Cumulative joys and loss
Weirder every day

Saturated ground
Flowing to the lowest point
Coalescing life

fortitude of life
gratitude for drought and rain
all things in spectrum

Matter meeting minds
Gratitude for pain and joy
Everything unwinds

Sorrow in my heart
Seeking things impossible
Love and time for All

listening to stars
quantifying harmonies
better to just sing

feign identity
organs competing for time

recycling motives
walking backwards towards our fate
mirrors holding us

sometimes Truth dies giving birth

Momentum assigned
Changing habits of the mind
All things in their time

muscles compressing
hearts keep churning blood and time
mind is staying home

One more moment gone
Compresses each memory
Time can heal itself

Projected a fear
Murdered possibility
Buried in a heart

Learning to unlearn
Living moments all are we
Then one day we aren't

Listening louder
Laundered livers lingering
Laugh love live learn leave

honor those we love
learn from past mistakes and laugh
so much yet to do

choking past regrets
destroy and begin again
suffocate the pain

spectrum of a life
how we see fuels what we feel
what is right, for whom?

acceptance of death
how we feel shapes how we see
what is wrong, for whom?

subjective justice
sometimes Truth dies giving birth
how to reconcile?

Endothermic grief

Gratitude aligned
Must decide to be inspired
Everything is will

purpose implies will
focus implies intention
now we follow through

astray implies path
who can judge another's will?
we find our own way

Quantifying pain
Maybe one day we'll atone
Try holding your breath

Loving indifference
All things all ways in motion
Eating Life alive

Interstitial blood
Fighting ghosts with knives and guns
Multiply by one

Endothermic grief
Storm evaporated blood
Exothermic love

Water moving us
Clouds composed of truth and death
Hydrologic hearts

still so much to learn
still relenting memory
still so far to go

reactive vision
emotional cognition
humanness within

Survived suffering
Surveyed serene skeletons
Scales seem scandalous

Defend only what we've earned

given to the One
killing everything that Sung
quietly they won

winning isn't wrung
wringing doesn't win a thing
slow down and move on

moving isn't done
misdirected azimuth
every way is up

synchronizing pain
worried about loss again
compromising gain

molecules align
fallacies of conscious signs
dreams becoming eyes

Sublimating time
Chosen memories aligned
Sometimes moments lie

Hierarchy of will
Recreating time from stars
Current moment speaks

incubating life
knowledge rotting on the vine
must outwit the flies

perpetual forms
recycled through human minds
value unassigned

unexpected smiles
definitely had worse days
dream of lovely things

Voluntary hearts
Defend only what we've earned
Leave the rest in peace

hands in need of blood

no matter the cause
hopelessness, despair and fear
our real enemies

no matter the pain
kindness, gratitude and love
our only allies

feeding future foods
molecules from hearts of stars
animating life

catalyzing grief
conjuring a time expired
confiscating love

solemn choices weighed
internal landscapes surveyed
hearts must be obeyed

intuition guides
imagination provides
memory conspires

Former premises
Paradigms on heads of pins
Sowing future loves

sentient ideas
rearranging memories
refraction of heart

Underwriting soil
Words decayed and composted
Better luck next time

paralytic nerves
cannot hold desired arms
fingers seeking love

hands in need of blood
carrying the seeds and sun
dirt and water run

spirit stretching skin

sing your heart and nerves
harmonize with lungs and eyes
fingers speak in tongues

spirit stretching skin
changing bodies from within
recognizing kin

resolutions wrung
calendars culled carefully
wretched ticking tocks

Lunar frequency
Bluish greys and tidal waves
Cycling through us

threaded memories
masticated momentum
yielded to silence

Intrinsic liquids
Birthing aqueous intent
Resurrecting bone

Renting gifted blood
Share our best with all we love
Repo men will come

trachea of mind
tubes of tubes in tubes with tubes
death to right angles

Somewhat somebody
Someplace somehow scared someone
Somewhere something sung

polar immersion

frequencies of freakish seas
resonating dreams

Love love eat laugh love
Live breathe blink love love rest love
Love laugh love love love.

breaching blood-brain barriers

Creation divides
Multiplying potential
Offspring in winter

Authentic Façade
Microcosmic motives met
Active engagement

Fortitude of mind
Mutually arising love
Gratitude of heart

Inanimate shrug
Genetic excuses flood
All we know is blood

projection of pain
all these enemies are false
secure love within

all i know is dead
lungs cannot breathe lead nor light
so many so sure.

blood-borne beadsmen banned
breaching blood-brain barriers
benefiting bees

All the lies will be denied
Hearts are understood

Voluntary space
Draw your lines with what you know
How else could it be?

particles collide
interstellar memories
forged in dreams of stars

curious pupils
new years live in each moment
terraforming eyes

language calcified

Brothers finding Selves
Wishing for what cannot be
Love is a cycle

Mustn't manage mind
Molecules made Minerals
Models Miniskewed

each moment our chance
fortitude of non-return
working on our work

language calcified
knowing what cannot be shown
seeking frequency

All things as they are
Cultivating non-judgment
Growing towards ourselves

Value connoted
Thoughts and actions must converge 
Laughter leads the way

all i know is false
cannot grasp what never stops
truth is but a dream

Music carves the path
Rivers harmonize with stone
Melodies abound

supernovae sing
all outside is inside us
best to just relax

No escaping pain
Must know what we must accept
Moving towards our hearts

Molecules of truth
Between knowers and the known
Thoughts yield to spaces

Forms dreaming of mass

Tirelessly bled
Nutrients of life are shed
Hopefully there's bread

Prone to denial
All that hurts cannot stay here
Selling hand-me-downs

Swarming emotions
Designated outcomes sought
What will we wish for?

Expectations bruise
Strength is flexibility
Align mind to Life

Seasons yielding light
Eternal transmigration
Forms dreaming of mass

Blood eroding stone
Rivers of air flow above
Time is passing us

wordless wondering
future falls into our eyes
past must accept us

all and none is Void
staggering to realize
what cannot be said

Cloven callouses
Cleaning crystal clarifies
Comfort confusion

cannot make it stop
cannot be made to submit
cannot be defined

Mind processes life
Life is hallucination
Illusions persist

driven as we drive

patience steering love
couldn't hurry if i tried
gestation unknown

only mind could make the break
time and space are blood

Unexpect the world
Can't improve on what's unknown
Ideas have no mass

Heartfelt Solvency
Forfeiting definitions
Laugh with what remains

bleeding cortisol
haunted by genetic pasts
hunted by our fears

Every breath a cloud
Every cloud a future lung
Every lung a breath

Koans unfolding
Perimeters drawn and burned
Predictions foreseen

Somewhere someone sang
Somehow traveled endlessly
Someday we'll know why

Signals amplified
Pyroclastic floes of sound
Quadraphonic death

balancing what can't be held
driven as we drive

Gratitude for pain
Hope was slain for laughter's reign
Achievements in vain

origins unknown

origins unknown
please just launch me into space
i need to go home

Conscience condones clouds
Consciousness can coincide
Consigning carbon

Fractals drawing breath
Biological puzzles
Corner pieces sought

show another path
show us our potential lives
show us what we miss

Conjured conquerors
Credibility consigned
Comets cremated

Flowers drinking clouds
His Summer died in our Spring
Winter grieves with us

Worldline disappeared
System of memories crashed
Neutrinos reboot

expectations churn
confiscated discipline
fortitude of heart

Molecules dispersed
Eruptions of memory
Existence implied

Dreaming of mountains
Wind can only be neutral
Carving life from stone

geologic time
love and hate absorb your fears
how much will you give?