Thursday, September 4, 2014

Steer into the pain

Pain does more than hurt
Hard lessons need strong teachers
Listen and accept

Pain steers into us
Teaches what we need to learn
Steer into the pain

Drawing in the mud
Synchronizing breath with blood
Frailness understood

Genes unravel time
Bifurcating memories
FIlling blood with us

Things becoming life
Making space for what cannot
Ancestors hold us

Consciousness alight
Free will is quite expensive
We are life itself

Atmospheric blood 
Longing for condensation
Soon we will be clouds

Integrating roots
Soil and stone and blood and bone
Distinguishing truths

Infinite knowledge
Cerebral plasticity
We become our minds

Weirdness overwhelms
Insanity seems the norm
No matter; just live.

Biometrics fail
Humanity squints and groans
Never knowing truth

Memories survive
Pieces of our existence
Recombine with clouds

Monday, April 21, 2014

Light disguised as time

Light disguised as time
Pictures search for memories
Lost inside a mind

Patterns overlap
Ideas produce more ideas
Time and space expand

Nature is motion
Telescopes are time machines
The past travels on

something from nothing
no evidence of purpose
nothing from something

Conditions counted
Circumstances coalesce
Cirrus clouds cackling

Gratitude yields time
Discernment without judgment
Heritable lives

What we are, we are
Belief is irrelevant
What will come, will come

Knowing bones and blood
Metastatic memories

most things won't add up
existence will not bleed out
choose a cause of death

Void of intention
Unknowing a consciousness
Most things can't be said

Behind the mirror
Vortices of consciousness
Edifying lives

Through and through we knew
Life searches for what is true
Hence the extra hue

Life is uncertain
Get some sunshine on your face
Soon we will be clouds

Minding mindless men
Masticated memories
Mutilating mist

It is what it is
It will never be the same
It ain't what it ain't